Auto Accident Care in Wake County

Auto Accident Care in Wake County

According to the San Diego Spine Institute, it only takes an impact of 4 MPH to do damage to human tissue.  Most auto crashes occur at a higher speed, therefore soft tissue injury is highly probable.  12 to 72 hours after  the crash, swelling and inflammation occurs at the site of injury.  Starting 5 days after a crash and up to 6 weeks, your body makes scar tissue at the injured joints.  This causes pain, restricts your movement and leads to accelerated joint degeneration (arthritis).

Chiropractic care can decrease pain, promote full healing, restore and maintain full function and prevent accelerated degeneration (arthritis).  For the best outcome following a crash, early intervention provides the best results.

Don’t Delay

  • The sooner you start care, the quicker your body will heal.
  • By delaying treatment, you increase the chance that your pain will become permanent.
  • Call today to schedule your appointment.